Sunday, April 26, 2009

The All-Nighter that Made All the Difference

Kelly and I were super irresponsible on Wednesday; we both had papers to write, she was mondo upset about some news, and I was just in a bad place mentally. Now with all this in mind, we decided that a roadtrip to East Palestine, my hometown, was in order. Definitely NOT the smartest thing we've ever done.

After we went to my house with John and Paul to get a bathing suit, a sleeping bag, a spatula, and some glue (haha nice combo, i know), reality set in that we HAD to do these papers. We swung by McD's to get some iced coffees and set ourselves up to camp out in Myers Lounge until our papers were done... Essentially, it was pointless to even try for sleep since we both needed to be awake in 5 hours for different commitments so we decided to just go for the classic, stereotypical, college freshman all-nighter.

We ended up having to make yet another coffee run, but we pulled through in the end and got our papers done, fairly well, too! Man, it was a sweet victory. We didn't make excuses, we didn't justify not doing them, we really just pulled through it and GOT R DONE. As the sun rose, we felt compelled to go out into the quad and just pray... the sky was SO beautiful. God is so good, guys. I mean, wow, the lyrics from "Trading My Sorrows" sparked some discussion: "Though the sorrow may last for the night, His joy comes with the morning." Seriously? This is so deep if you think about it. Things from one day are not supposed to affect the joy that we have in the Lord at the beginning of every new day! God doesn't want us to worry, we are supposed to have no fear, we're supposed to make every day a joyful one, FILLED with praise, unto the Lord!!! That's so BIG!

After this revelation happened, and after I discussed it with God, it seemed like I was being called to be more effective for the Kingdom of God every day. No more lukewarm living! My goal is to help people see that each day starts off beautifully, and FULL of true JOY, and that it's our job to see that and like my friend Corey eloquently stated, "shout praises to God at the top of our lungs from the very highest place we can get!"

It seems most appropriate to include "Trading My Sorrows" since it is, after all, what sparked the revolution in my soul! Also, I feel that I should add a disclaimer saying that there are some underlying messages of the song that I don't agree with, but the aforementioned line really means the world to me right now.

Plus, as a special treat, here's the link to Kelly's blog post about this same night! Follow her if you wish, Kubiak's Corner of the Internet is always entertaining!

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