Monday, September 20, 2010

How He Loves Us

Why can't I be more pumped about God?
Why has apathy swallowed my motivation?
Why is it that when I hear worship music or truly wise words, I get romanticized ideas of action and service, but never follow through?
Why have I become so foolish in my faith?

Oh crap. God wants to encounter me. How can I tear down the wall that I have so willingly built up? God desires to consume my heart, but I am shoving him away. How do I get back to the point of losing myself in His presence?

I'm nothing without you, Lord. I have nowhere else to go. Please don't turn your back on me yet. I'm trying to tear down this wall brick by brick. I hate what has happened to me spiritually. Lord, fill my life with more men like Jon. Keep me surrounded by transparent people who are willing to go deep. Bring us together and unite us in Your Spirit. Keep us, Lord. Take our breath away once more.

Friday, September 17, 2010


a look shared by two people, with each wishing that the other will initiate something that both desire, but which neither one wants to start

Friday, September 10, 2010

Awake My Soul

Lately I've been mulling over the concept of worship. Essentially I've been thinking about what that word means in Christian culture and perhaps the contrast of what it SHOULD mean. I believe "worship" is FAR too closely associated with CCM music played before church services. Now don't get me wrong, that is most definitely worship, but it's not the only way to express love to our Creator.

Is it worshipful to attend church period? Yes.
Does God love it when you spend time with friends who encourage you and build your faith? Yes.
Is it an act of worship to paint something that expresses Truth? Yes.
Would it be worship to use time wisely? Yes.
When it comes to creating your own piece of music, is that a way of loving on the Lord? Yes.
Is it a way of worshiping if you remain pure in relationships? Yes.
Is it considered worship to serve someone? Yes.
When you're silent, spending some time alone, is that worship? Yes.
Are you still worshiping when you're taking the day to just rest? Yes.

And these are just the ones I could think of off the top of my head. There are a million ways to Glorify God. Thinking about this led me to another point... Can non-Christian music be worshipful? HECK YES. It's like, even if the artist doesn't call it a worship song, they are conveying a deeper Truth regardless. Even the *gasp* SECULAR musicians produce pieces of work that express a love that every human heart desires to cry out to a greater Being. Recently, I've been immersed in Mumford & Sons, an up and coming folk band, whose themes are more genuinely worshipful than those of some contemporary Christian artists making music today. I can't get enough of their brand of worship.

See what I mean:
Awake My Soul (Lyrics)
Sigh No More (Lyrics)
Roll Away Your Stone (Lyrics)
After the Storm (Lyrics)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Thoughts on Humanity as it Relates to Relationships

People suck.
Like, they suck BAD.