Thursday, January 29, 2009

HCS is whaaaaaaaat?! REDHOT!

Tomorrow is my high school's homecoming basketball game. Most people would be all, "Whateveeeer," but not I. I have more Purple Pride than I have room for. I have GRATUITOUS AMOUNTS OF SCHOOL SPIRIT. But seriously though. I love Heartland so much it's unreal and I'm so beyond stoked to be going to the homecoming game. It'll take everything in my power to not jump down on the court and bust out in a cheer. Oohhh the glory days of varsity cheerleading... soooo good. And no, I was NOT "that cheerleader," thank you very much. =]

Also for this momentous event, Ricki, Amanda and myself are bringing home our core group of friends because everyone is DYING to finally see the HCS that we always talk about. haha, I know I at least speak for me and Ricki when I say that we are in love with the place. I'm so excited. Aaron Zorn is staying at my house and that should be really fun... him and my brother already love each other because there was one time when I was chatting online with Zorn and I had to make these brownies so I left him to talk to my brother. It was love at first line of type. This is gonna be a great weekend.

I just realized that in my rapidfire blogging I've been forgetting the faves... so I'll include 4 to make up for lost time.

First one is going to be "Hit in the USA" by Beat Crusaders.
Second will be another one by Beat Crusaders, "Tonight Tonight Tonight"
*Those two were both actually courtesy of Aaron Zorn*
Third isssss.... a surprise. =]
And lastly I leave you with The Bible in a Minute by Barats and Bereta. Christian or not, you'll enjoy this I think.


My roomie's sister Wendy lives in the dorm room two doors down from us and tonight someone thought it would be hilarious to launch a snowball at their window at the crack of 11:45 pm... Guess what?! The window broke. Our RA was out cold. The creepy Campus Security guys came. There was much laughter and bonding amongst the girls on our floor. In fact, here I sit in the lounge outside of my room with two of the lovely ladies... one that I've hardly even seen before. Turns out she has an awesome sense of humor. Luckily, she's my neighbor so I can start seeing her more often! Woot!

PS- Everyone is fine, it was more funny than anything.

The World History Debacle

So today in history we were discussing Calvinism and Armenianism... not a problem for most people, but for me it was a huge deal. See, I have some emotional ties to this debate. Arg. Last year, my friend Joseph and I went on a search for answers regarding this particular subject and after much diving into Scripture and reading up on the differing theologies, we both came to the conclusion that even though we sort of hate the implications, we think that Calvinism is more Biblically based. (Don't hate on me for this, I do not condemn those that follow the Armenian tradition and I hope you won't comndemn me.)

ANYway, so as we were comparing the different viewpoints, one of my closer friends apparently was making some disgusted face when discussing the predestination aspect of Calvinism. He said with such disdain, "That is NOT Biblical." Okay, perhaps I have no real right to get upset about that but after last year's journey for knowledge, I was fuming at that comment. I don't mind talking about it, but it's the fact that I can nearly guarantee that he's never looked into the subject in the detail that I've looked into it (not that i'm like, "oooh cuz i'm that cool" but it's just fuel for the flame) and he speaks with SUCH authority about it! I don't know... beyond my frustration with what he said, also pile on the fact that about 90% of my classmates and my prof are of the Armenian belief... no big deal, but it's weird to feel virtually no encouragement. I know that the word "persecution" is pretty harsh, but I felt persecuted for lack of a better word. I was just frustrated because I felt ashamed for the beliefs that I felt convicted to put stock in. If Dr. J would have asked us to raise our hands for which belief we tend to side with, I honestly don't think I would have raised my hand at all.

That class sucked today.

Ogres Are Like Onions

I also posted this on my facebook today too...

hmmm, ogres are like onions, or at least that's what shrek said...
i feel like i am likewise an onion; layer after layer after layer. my main problem is that i don't know what my core is. i'm not talking spiritually here, because i KNOW that my spiritual onion core is Jesus, i mean my personality core. what am i? i have no base, no bottom layer... i only have more and more layers of contradicting personality traits. i don't know what i am.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Super Massive Black Snow Storm

Today was a momentous day, a day to be remembered... Not only was it the first snow day of the year for Malone, but it was the whole freshman class's first COLLEGE SNOW DAY! Honestly, my mind has been significantly blown today. Here's how it was discovered that classes were canceled (you might want to get a snack before I start because it's a tale of love, lust, treachery, deceit, faith, and hot chocolate):

I woke up at 7:45 this morning to the sounds of snow-blowers, contrary to the sound of people in out in the hallway like usual. My first thought was "SNOW DAY!" but I decided not to jump the gun and get my hopes up. I reached for my laptop and logged on. As I was directing my Mozilla to Malone's homepage I couldn't help but say to myself, "You are just setting yourself up for disappointment. Put the computer away and go take your dang shower." Before I had the chance to shut my laptop the website showed up and had the glorious red notice running across the top: "ALL DAY CLASSES HAVE BEEN CANCELED." Apparently my beautiful roommate heard me typing on my keyboard and knew exactly what I was doing so she waited in silence to hear the verdict... "oh. My. GOSH!" was all I could manage to say. She started freaking out and I was thrusting my computer up at her face so she could read the banner for herself when we both let out a victorious cry. We hopped out of bed and unplugged my Lappy 486 and headed for Amanda and Kelly's room at the polar opposite end of our hall. Before we got there, we did a few triumphant laps of the hallway and showed our neighbor Bethany the notice.

When we finally got to Amanda and Kelly's, Amanda was already sitting up and upon our walking in said, "I already know but Kelly doesn't." Ricki and I looked down to see Kelly still in a deep slumber... haha, not for much longer. We woke her up (very much to her immediate chagrin) and when she saw the glorious red strip across the top of my computer's screen her eyes instantly became saucers. She started flipping out right along with us. Ricki and I then took our merry stroll back down the stretch of hall back to our room to slip back into blissful snow day sleep. About 2 hours later I wake up to Amanda standing in our room eating a bowl of cereal and watching us sleep. What a freakin' creepster. It's okay though because I love her so much! =]

Aaron Zorn ( called me at like noonish and wanted to go to lunch and then go sledding on the massive hill that's behind the cafeteria... we were SO game for that. Everyone got showered and ready for lunch where we met our friend Jared's little brother, Isaac; he seemed pretty BA, but I might be biased because he just had to put up with our shenanigans to earn that status... which he did. Then when we went to go sledding, it was FREEZING as heck with the wind whipping around at the top of the hill. I was done after going down one time... call me pansy, I don't care. Then I wen with Aaron Zorn to get some hot chocolate and have a lil chat which was cool because we never really get to just talk. Plus the hot chocolate was scrumptious. =] We all kind of sat around in Myers loung for awhile and then headed to dinner where nothing terribly exciting happened. After dinner I headed over to Zorn's room to watch Pulp Fiction and hang out... It was really fun.

All in all, I'd say today was a great day and I could most definitely get used to college snow days.

Today's favorite is going to be "Challengers" by The New Pornographers. This band is fronted by the extrodinarily talented Neko Case. Love this song and the video is beautiful too... weird, but really pretty. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Expanding Our Musical Horizons

Everett Cattell Library. I work there. It's a blast and I adore the people I work with. Tuesdays last semester I worked from 5-6 pm and at first it was terrifying... I mean here was the situation: I wasn't even fully trained yet and I was scheduled with this kid Ian, a junior, who I assumed I had nothing in common with, then at 5:30 Ian left and I was completely alone until 6. (Okay, now that I type it, it doesn't seem so bad, but trust me, I was intimidated.)

The second Tuesday of this schedule, my dearest friends Kelly, Ricki, and Amanda came to the library at 5:40 and said that they not only were going to stay there with me until my shift ended, but also that they had a special secret surprise for me waiting back in my dorm room... I love those girls. Can I just say how much it meant to me that they did that? They knew that I dreaded this time more than anything else in life, so they decided to make it a little better for me. Anyway, so I get off work and they lead me back to my dorm and lo and behold, they smuggled a cup of ice cream out of the cafeteria for me! What a delicious surprise it was indeed. =] You can see that they didn't hold back on the sprinkles in the picture there... (This image courtesy of Kelly who documented the tasty, day brightening treat.)

So, what became of my Tuesdays, you ask? (Yes, I realize that you probably didn't ask, but hey, humor me...) Since I know that prayer is a powerful thing, I decided that if I wanted things to get less intimidating with Ian I would pray for him. That's right Ian, if you're reading this, I prayed for you a lot. I asked God to use the time we had together to foster a friendship or even just open up an opportunity to get to know someone new. After a few weeks of weird silence between Ian and me, it was revealed that it was hopeless for us to try to agree on who the funnier comedian was, BUT we did share a relatively open mind about music! Badda bing, Badda boom, common ground. What started out as trying to share some favorite songs with each other, soon turned into weekly "assignments" of sorts... well, mine were usually premeditated lists trying to stump him. HE KNOWS EVERYTHING! Anywho, the relationship was developed and someone came in to start supervising at 5:30 so I wasn't completely alone. My Tuesdays turned out awesome after all.

This semester I don't have any shifts with Ian and suffice it to say that I'm really missing his weird taste in music already.

Today's favorite is going to be one of Ian's suggestions from the good ol' days... "Six Underground" by Sneaker Pimps. Thanks, Ian!

Monday, January 26, 2009

I Have One Word For You: Welcome to America

All right, this is my blog and frankly, it'll be so scrumtrulescent you'll barely be able to move. Just kidding (kind of). But seriously, lately there has been a huge wave of people at my school creating and updating blogs out the wazoo so I was like, "Hey! I have thoughts!" And also my friend Aaron bugged me for a few seconds about starting a blog and that was enough to put me over the edge to do it!

So my first entry is just me saying Helllllllloooooooo, World! I think that since i have somewhere in the neighborhood of 340 favorites on YouTube, I'll probably include one of my favorites per entry... that would be fun. A lot of them are songs, so that's something to look forward to. I mean, I'm not cool enough to have pictures for everything like one of my best friends, Kelly, has in her blog ( so all of you throngs of readers (haha, yeah right) will have to settle for videos of things that I like. Ha.

I don't even know what the heck this is even going to be about. My best guess is that I'll talk about weird things that happen in my days, my friends, things that bug me, politics, religion, music, definitely movies, and even though I graduated and moved on to college at Malone University, I'll probably reference my high school, Heartland, a lot because it was a ginormous part of my life.

Oh, and PS- My blog title "Guten Morgen and Bagels" comes from a girl that is very near and dear to my heart... her name is Abby and she's a little crazy in the brain. This particular entry's title comes from something one of my best friends said to my roommate at lunch a few days ago. Ricki, my roomie, was eating something with chopsticks and John asked her why. Ricki responded, "Because I love chopsticks and they use them in China!" John proceeded to say, "You know what? I have one word for you... WELCOME TO AMERICA!" And basically EVERYTHING is funnier when John Dolence says it.

My favorite for the day is........ "Norwegian Cowbell" by Paul Gilbert. Give it a listen, I promise it's awesome!