Thursday, March 26, 2009

Sucking at Blogging

A lot of stuff has been going on lately... lots of decisions to be made, lots of changes taking place, and lots of faith being challenged.

In a nutshell, two of my closest friends here at Malone might be leaving after this semester is over (which would totally crush me). I've been praying like crazy for them... I just want God's will to be revealed to them and that no matter what it is, they'll have a peace about whatever God is telling them. I've also been praying that the rest of our friends, including myself, will have peace about whatever it is they are supposed to do.

I dunno, this makes me want to watch Facing the Giants really bad though. If you haven't seen it, go watch it. In fact, I'll include a clip or two from it today.

Super inspiring Death Crawl scene
My new life theory in a movie scene. Prepare for Rain!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Back Where I Belong

After a truly great break with my friends from Heartland, my 2 long lost friends from Liberty University in Virginia, and my new friends Justin, Ben, Owen, and best friend Blake, I'm back at Malone... I am on cloud nine. 'Nuff said for today.

Happy times in our youth, courtesy of Jessica (one of the two Liberty friends). We're both Boy Meets World junkies and this is a nice montage of clips from that show. Yay! =]

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

It's been far too long with far too little to say...

Okay, I'll admit, the title is a lie. There has been so much to say that I've been too overwhelmed by the sheer magnitude of it all that I have not been able to nor will I ever blog bout the incidents that have occurred in the past week or so. I figure that the post would be much longer than any one human could sit and read. I already have pushed that envelope far enough in the past. SO! I have a short blog today comprised of just a few key things that have happened recently.

1. I got hit in the face with a basketball yesterday. It sucked.
2. I finally git the T Bell that I've been craving. (A cheesy double-beef burrito.)
3. My 9:30 class is canceled for tomorrow!
4. My circle of friends is mystically increasing exponentially!!!
5. I SAW DAN TODAY!!!!!!!! (

That's it for now!

A clip of "Brule's Rules for Your Health" from the comedy sketch show "The Tim and Eric Awesome Show". (Courtesy of Dr. Shawn Floyd, my philosophy professor.)