Thursday, June 4, 2009

The Best Thing in Life

Love is the best thing in life. No, I'm not talking about romantic love though I've heard good things. I mean all the OTHER types of love.
Colleague (come on, you love the people you work with)

You know what I mean, the type of love where there is a mutual respect and admiration. The persistent, unconditional love that speaks volumes about relationships. The past few days I feel like I have been inundated with love. The first incident occurred this past Sunday when I got to see my roommate and one of our friends from school for a few hours. That was awesome. I love my roommate like you don't even know. The next incident was more like a series of incidents... My mom and I have been spending a lot of quality time together lately making dinner and watching movies and even just talking for hours. That really makes me feel like I'm worth it, ya know? The most recent of all the love-filled events occurred today when one of my best friends came alllllll the way down to butt-hole EP to visit me and have lunch. What an amazing day it was. That made me so freaking happy!

Honestly, there is NOTHING better than quality time and good conversation to make a girl feel loved.

Favorite of the day: "Hot Air Balloon" by Owl City. Owl City has a new CD coming out soon and you can score great quality free downloads of the new songs by going to the website and signing up for his newsletter. Seriously sweet deal. Enjoy my new favorite!!! =]


  1. (:

    "you made my frown turn upside down and now my worries are gone"

    why is owl city so good??? haha

  2. i love owl city!!!!!!! we WILL see him in concert some day!

  3. Angela i love you so much!! and I'm really happy that you called this the best thing in life because I call everything the best thing in life, but the is legitamitly true
