Thursday, July 22, 2010

Run Free

"And so I grew from colt to stallion, as wild and as reckless as thunder over the land. Racing with the eagle, soaring with the wind. Flying? There were times I believed I could."

This may or may not be a quote from the movie "Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron". Okay, okay, it is. My niece is in the other room watching "Spirit" for the very first time, and I overheard that piece of the title character's monologue-esque thoughts.

Have you ever had those moments where your heart was so full, you felt like you could take anything the world could throw your way? In the moment those moments feel like they're going to last forever. Like there's no way you can come down from the high. Yes, if you try hard enough, you can fly.

It's as soon as you take the leap off of the garage roof in your attempt to fly that you realize those moments of natural ecstasy are fleeting. We've all had those elusive perfect summer nights, wonderfully productive days, and hang out sessions that we wish would never end, but like all things they DO end. In the aforementioned movie, Spirit ends up being captured and his freedom comes to an abrupt end.

It's heartbreaking when the good times come to an end, but would we REALLY prefer to have nothing but good days? Would we appreciate them as much? I think not. I know a million people have talked about this before, but I sit here convicted by this thought. I was thinking that I haven't had one of those great, full-heart days in such a long time, I'm starting to forget what it feels like. But you know what? Maybe it'll be when I'm down to the last shred of a memory of that feeling that God will bless me with one of those times.

How much sweeter would a drink of water seem after spending 5 hours in a desert, rather than after spending 5 hours in a swimming pool? I'm thankful for my deserts.


  1. i agree. we can learn so much from having bad days, and then when we do have a great day, we realize how blessed we are.

  2. Thank you for that opening line!!! I get goosebumps at that part lol
