Tuesday, April 7, 2009

i hate this speech with a burning passion

ANYTHING. give me ANYTHING to stall from doing this God-forsaken speech. right now i choose blogging as a worthy distraction. see, i have to give this speech tomorrow and for me actually giving it isn't the problem... it's writing it that is the hardship.

fact: it's a persuasive speech so i have to be, well, persuasive

fact: my professor gave us the most intricate, detailed, and painful outline format possible

fact: we need to cite at least 7 sources (including one journal article) in our speeches

fact: it's an 8-10 minute long deal

fact: i'm passionate about my topic, persuading my classmates to help out St. Jude Children's
Research Hospital any way they can

myth: my HOURS of trying to write this speech have been productive

BAHHHHHHH! i can't even take it! i think i have like, two paragraphs total typed out so far. i'm really stressed out about it and i can't focus at all... maybe i could take some of my roommate's Concerta to help me out with that.

something else that hasn't been helping is my reminiscing about this past weekend which was possibly either the best or the second best i've had since coming to school. let's just say: road trip. =] but seriously, there's also this kid... oh jeez. he's been on my mind a lot lately too which is kinda rough because there's more important things to focus on here like this dang speech for example!

just kill me now... please.

hey look, a random Five Iron Frenzy song.


  1. angela, i love you. and i also hate our speeches with a burning passion.
    just remember this to make you smile: "the worst he can do is swear at us", along with all of our crazy scenarios for getting out of giving our speeches (:

  2. i love a flowery song! best version of that benediction ever. that and sorry about the extreme gay-nitude of your speech. kinda same boat with the distractions, dude. it's your birthday tomorrow.
